by Ted Honderich
Table for Ch. 1, 'Good Lives, Bad Lives'
Country Average Lifetime - in years Average Healthy Lifetime - in years Children dying under five per 1000 live births Rich/poor country: GNP per person in US dollars Worst-off 10th of population's % of total income or consumption  Best-off 10th of population: % of total income or consumption
USA 77 Years  70.0 Years  7 children $29,240 1.8% 30.5%
Canada 79 72.0 6 19,170 2.8 23.8
UK 77 71.7 6 21,410 2.6 27.3
France 78 73.1 5 24,210 2.8 25.1
Germany 77 70.4 5 26,570 3.3 23.7
Italy 78 72.7 6 20,090 3.5 21.8
Spain 78 72.8 6 14,100 2.8 25.2
Denmark 76 69.4 5 33,040 3.6 20.5
Japan 80 74.5 4 32,350 4.8 21.7
* * * * * * *
Malawi 39 29.4 213 210 ? ?
Mozambique 44 34.4 206 210 2.5 31.7
Zambia 40 30.3 202 330 1.6 39.2
Sierra Leone  38 25.9 316 140 0.5 43.6
* * * * * * *
Afghanistan 46* 37.7* 257* ? ? ?
Turkmenistan 67 54.3 74 370 2.6 31.7
Pakistan 64 55.9 136 470 4.1 27.6
Iraq 63 55.3 125 ? ? ?
Iran 69 60.5 33 1,650 ? ?
Saudi Arabia  72 64.5 26 6,910 ? ?
United Arab Emirates 75 65.4 10 18,870 ? ?
* * * * * * *
Israel 78 70.4 6 16,180 2.8 26.9
Palestine 71 ? ? 3,097 ? ?
* * * * * * *
India 63 53.2 105 440 3.5 33.5
* * * * * * *
Russia 67 61.3 25 2,260 1.7 38.7
Poland 73 66.2 11 3,910 3.0 26.3
China 70 62.3 47 750 2.4 30.4
Cuba 76 68.4 8 ? ? ?
Libya 70 59.3 24 ? ? ?
* * * * * * *
Brazia 67 59.1 42 4,630 0.9 47.6
Mexico 72 65.0 35 3,840 1.4 42.8
Argentina 73 66.7 22 8.030 ? ?
* * * * * * *
Australia 78 73.2 5 20,640 2.0 25.4


The figures in columns 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 come from The World Guide 2001-2002, pp. 24-5 and 602-609, and were derived from the World Bank's World Development Indicators 2000, The World Bank; The State of the World's Children, UNICEF 2000. The third column comes from The World Health Organization's Healthy Life Expectancy Rankings. To calculate a healthy life figure, years of ill-health are weighted as to severity and subtracted from the overall life expectancy. 

Note that the fifth column is about GNP per person and the sixth and seventh about shares of total income or consumption. It would have been better to have had dollar figures for total income or consumption. But the two sets of statistics do certainly allow for the comparisons and absolute judgements made. GNP is the value of the total production of goods and services by an economy within national borders, plus income from abroad and minus income in the economy that goes abroad. 

*All the figures in the table derive from 1994-1998 data. In particular, the  figures for Afghan average lifetimes, average healthy lifetimes and children dying under 5 derive from 1998 data, i.e. before the attack by the West.