University of London

(University College London)

BSc Degree 1999


Answer ONE question from section A, TWO questions from section B, and ALL OF section C (overleaf).Each section carries 1/3 of the marks on the paper.

Section A.Answer ONE of questions 1-3.

1.What is the importance of mathematical models in population genetics and evolutionary studies?Structure your answer around either: inbreeding and genetic drift, natural selection at single loci or quantitative genetics.

2.ASympatric speciation is very unlikely@.Discuss.

3.      Discuss, using examples, the pros and cons of using artificial selection as a model of natural selection on quantitative traits.

Section B.Answer TWO of questions 4-8.

4.What factors might be involved in chromosomal evolution?Discuss your answer with relation to paracentric inversions or translocations.

5.AGame theory analysis is irrelevant for evolutionary biologists@.Discuss and place in the context of ownership and territoriality in nature.

6.Is the study of hybrid zones the key to speciation?Discuss why or why not.

7.Can natural selection explain macroevolution?Illustrate your reasoning with examples.

8.Give three ways of explaining the evolution of exaggerated male traits, briefly explain the evidence (or lack of it!) for each, and discuss why female traits are not usually exaggerated in the same way.

Remember to answer Section C overleaf!

Section C.Answer all parts of question 9, even if you cannot do an earlier part.

9.Warning colour may evolve via Akin selection@, in which small local populations evolve new altruistic adaptations because of a high degree of local relatedness. Genotypic data were collected on a codominant colour pattern locus in several local subpopulations in a hybrid zone between two distinct warningly coloured races of the warningly coloured butterfly Heliconius erato.

Subpopulation         DRyDRy        DRyd        dd

                            1                        59            34            6

                            2                      100            42            2
                            3                        41            17            3

a)Estimate the allele frequencies, (p, q, respectively) for DRy and d in each subpopulation.Then sum the population genotype totals, to estimate the overall gene frequencies of the total Ametapopulation@.

b) Calculate the expected frequencies for the three genotypes under random mating in the total metapopulation.

c) Use a chi-square test to find whether there is evidence for deviation from Hardy-Weinberg in the total metapopulation.

d)Estimate the value of FST from your data, regardless of whether or not the deviation from Hardy-Weinberg is significant. You might like to use the formula FST /(to check your calculations based on the Aheterozygote deficit@ interpretation of F (if so, you must choose the A@ rather than the A@ option on your calculator).

e) What do the data tell you, if anything, about the possibility of kin selection or drift being involved in the evolution of warning colour?

End of paper